Online Video Submission

For Amateur Class and Neu Class

• All videos must be submitted by 16th March 2025

• A high-quality performance recording is required if contestants were to submit videos for the 7th SMYPC Piano Competition 2025.

• All video recordings must upload through YouTube.

• The video should not be older than 3 months prior to the submission deadline.

Performance Requirements

1. Formal attire is required during the video recording.

2. All music must be performed from memory.

3. Original compositions and improvisations are not permitted for Amateur Class.

4. Repeats may be played at the discretion of the performer, but are not required.

5. The contestant must remain visible in the video throughout the recording:

    • Please ensure that the camera angle captures the piano keys, hand movements, face, and feet at all times.

6. All video submissions must be recorded in landscape (horizontal) orientation to ensure consistency and professionalism.

7. Your videos must have acceptable visual and audio quality (HQ/HD).

    • If you have an external microphone, using it will help improve sound quality.

8. The entire program must be recorded in one take with no editing. Any form of video or sound editing/effects is strictly prohibited.

9. For Neu Class only: Recordings may be paused between each repertoire selection or applicants may submit separate videos for each repertoires.

10. We only accept video submissions from contestants who perform on a grand or upright piano.

11. The video should not be older than 3 months prior to the submission deadline.

12. Any video submission exceeding the allotted time will be penalized and will not be judged.

13. Here are the steps for submitting your video on YouTube:

    • Register for a YouTube account.
    • Enter the following information for your YouTube video:
    • Title: "7th SMYPC 2025 - Contestant's Full Name as per IC (Category)"
      ∘ For example: "7th SMYPC 2025 - Henry E. Steinway (Category 1)"
    • Description: Composer - Complete Repertoire(s) Title
      ∘ For example: "W.A. Mozart - Sonata in D major, K. 311, 1st Movement"
    • List the repertoires in order, ensuring you include the composer's name and complete title of each repertoire.
    • Adjust the Visibility Settings to "Unlisted".
    • Disable comments and ratings in the Comments and Rating Settings.

14. Then, copy the YouTube Shareable Link and submit it via the following form.
*(one-time submission only)

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